
2020年5月25日—AftertheAppsumolaunch,weofferedfully-featuredActivechatsubscriptionsonafreemiumself-servicemodel.Wetargetedsmalltomedium-sized ...,IalreadyhaveActivechat,botstar,continuallythenwhyIshouldconsiderSilferBots.WellIfIconsiderSFthenItisona1yearfreebieandIhaveLTD ...,Sorry,we'renotveryfamiliarwithActiveChat,butbasedonyourquestions,hereareouranswers:1.Wedon'tdirectlyintegratewithGoogleD...

How to survive a $510000 launch on Appsumo

2020年5月25日 — After the Appsumo launch, we offered fully-featured Activechat subscriptions on a freemium self-service model. We targeted small to medium-sized ...

I already have Activechat, botstar, continually then why I

I already have Activechat, botstar, continually then why I should consider Silfer Bots. Well If I consider SF then It is on a 1 year freebie and I have LTD ...

Now that ActiveChat seems to be dead, I am looking for a

Sorry, we're not very familiar with ActiveChat, but based on your questions, here are our answers: 1. We don't directly integrate with Google Docs, but we offer ...

Hi, AppSumo Plus included active chat, linked, helpshelf

Hey there! These tools are not included in Plus for free. However, as part of the Last Call promotion, Plus members can get exclusive access to purchase ...

Hi, does this integrate usefully with activechat?

Sorry, we don't integrate with Activechat. Facebook doesn't allow connecting to personal profiles, just Facebook pages. Anyone who chats to your Facebook page ...

Active Chat Lifetime Deal

ActiveChat helps you to answer FAQ, book appointments, and take purchase orders. Allows you to schedule appointments. Clients can place their query even if the ...

ActiveChat Lifetime Deal

ActiveChat gives your chatbot the power to fetch answers for FAQ, book appointments, and take purchase orders. (And because it's all fully integrated into your ...

Activechat AppSumo deal chatbot

Activechat AppSumo deal chatbot. 30 likes. Software.

ActiveChat Scam

ActiveChat's Scam is proceeding on schedule. When Andrii, ActiveChat's Scammer In Chief, was asked about multiple user roles during their AppSumo campaign ...